10 Habits That Affect Your Looks

Have a look in the mirror. Does what you see in it make you completely happy or is there something you would like to improve?

9. Tweezing Ingrown Hairs
If you have ingrown hair you know how many problems it may cause. It looks unattractive, it is itchy, and very uncomfortable. Yet picking the ingrown hair with a needle or tweezers while trying to remove it from under your skin will cause even more severe problems in the future – infection, bruises, and scars. What you should do is to exfoliate the skin to remove the dead skin cells. Once the ingrown hair emerges pluck it.

10. Extreme Weight Loss
Crash dieting has a negative influence on your appearance. Fat is not the only thing you lose. You also lose muscles. Moreover, your metabolism slows down, your body lacks minerals and vitamins, your skin, nails, and hair suffer. Do not starve! Make your menu healthy, include fruit and vegetables, lean protein and exclude junk food and sugary drinks. Do sports – alternate cardio with weight training. Cardio will burn fat while weight training will build built muscle. The result: healthy and toned up body.

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