5 Tips to Help Your Locks Look Silky and Smooth

Have you ever wanted to find out what women with beautiful hair do to have fantastically attractive strands? It’s not that difficult to have perfect hair.

Have you ever wanted to find out what women with beautiful hair do to have fantastically attractive strands? It’s not that difficult to have perfect hair.

All you actually need to do is to get used to a few new habits and get rid of the things that do damage to your locks.

1. Sleep on silk.

Silk has a smooth texture. It does not rough up your hair cuticle. This may happen if you sleep on cotton, though. To avoid frizzy strands in the morning, try and replace your cotton pillowcase with its silk version.

2. Apply moisturizer generously.

The scalp needs to be moisturized. There is little difference between your face and scalp skin. Hydrate your scalp if you want to provide a healthy foundation for hair growth. Remember to condition your hair and scalp every time you wash your hair. Use a protective product if you heat-style your hair. It will decrease dryness, frizz, protect your color and treat split ends.

5 Tips to Help Your Locks Look Silky and Smooth Apply moisturizer generously