6 Easy Steps towards Whiter Teeth

How much do you like smiling? Do you feel beautiful with your current smile in your face? If your answers to both questions is ‘no’, then the time to change the situation has finally come.

5. Oil pulling helps your overall oral health
This tip might sound bizarre and hard to believe in. However, do not ignore it unless you try it out first. Oil pulling can help you avoid a lot of other health problems related to dental hygiene. This procedure can greatly improve the color of your tooth enamel, digestion, vision and even hair and nail growth. Now let us teach you how to pull oil. Purchase a bottle of oil. Make sure that the oil is organic and cold pressed. Olive oil or coconut oil will do just fine. Put a spoonful of the product in your mouth. Swish the oil for a couple of minutes and then start pulling it through your teeth. Do this for about 5-10 minutes. Practice it every day and you will soon see the results. Oil disinfects, washes away bacteria and kills parasites. Try out different oils and pick your favorite.

6. Gargle your mouth with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar should be in your food pantry at all times. It improves your health from inside out and does not require you to have loads of money. It is known that apple cider vinegar can make your smile more appealing. Start your next morning with a simple procedure – gargle it, spit it out and then brush your teeth. The vinegar removes stains on the enamel plus kills harmful bacteria building up on your tongue, gums and teeth. It might take you a bit of time to get used to the taste. Do not worry, you will soon develop tolerance. Keep in mind that apple cider vinegar is better since gargling regular vinegar is too challenging for most people.

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