Our Prototypes in Game of Thrones According to Astrologists

Who do you think you might be in Game of Thrones? Let us see what astrology tells us about this. Your zodiac sign is what their conclusions are based on. Find your clone and decide whether astrologists are right.

7. Arya Stark – Scorpio
Scorpios are full of mystery. This sign is very enigmatic and figuring them out is not an easy task. They keep transforming and changing. They are reborn and become totally different throughout their lifetime. Arya is an example of a girl born under Scorpio sign. She changes her names, clothing, personalities. She even changes her skin. Scorpio girls are dedicated and always get what they want.

Our Prototypes in Game of Thrones According to Astrologists Arya Stark Scorpio

8. Catelyn Stark – Pisces
Pisces women are full of intuition and they follow their instincts. One such girl is Catelyn Stark who is married to Ned. She can predict the possible dangers and risks. Before the enemy attacks her, she is prepared. She is not the strongest fighter though. Pisces can be sensitive and imagine things that do not exist. Catelyn never believed Jon might be her son and disliked the boy simply because she was furious and mad with her spouse.

Our Prototypes in Game of Thrones According to Astrologists Catelyn Stark Pisces