10 Delicious Foods That Do Not Exceed 200 Calories

Are you now on a diet trying to get slim and trim again? Then it is essential for you to know and understand the importance of calories consumed by you throughout the day.

3. Roasted Herb Salmon with Salad
Roasted or baked fish is also a good idea. Do not avoid oily fish, such as salmon, tuna or sardines. Their fats are healthy for your skin, hair and vision. Plus they fill you up for longer. Be creative and make any kind of fish taste superb by adding oregano, rosemary, parsley, dill, pepper, thyme and other herbs and spices. Roast the fish for up to 15 minutes. Serve the dish with green veggies.

4. Thai Carrot Salad
Are you a Thai cuisine fan? Then you probably know that a traditional creamy curry contains lots of calories. Do not be upset. What you can use instead of it is a mixture of Thai fish sauce, a juiced lemon or two juiced limes, a bit of soft brown sugar, red chilli pepper, carrots, a handful of toasted peanuts, and cooked rice noodles. It sounds good, it tastes even better!