10 Delicious Foods That Do Not Exceed 200 Calories

Are you now on a diet trying to get slim and trim again? Then it is essential for you to know and understand the importance of calories consumed by you throughout the day.

5. Oatmeal with Fruit
Whether you are in your healthy weight or trying to lose some, never skip your breakfast. What we suggest is that you start your day with one small serving of oatmeal. Charge your body with vitamins, minerals, and fiber early in the morning. You might want to add milk and fresh fruit to make it taste better. A few slices of pear, or a handful of berries on top of your oatmeal will make around 150-180 calories.

6. Tortilla Pizzas
If you cannot imagine your menu without pizzas, we suggest you try a healthy variety of this Italian food. Use low fat cheese and tortillas. Tortillas can be successfully replaced with low calorie pitas and thins. Apply toppings, put your pizza in the oven, let the cheese melt and eat it while pizza still hot.