10 Excellent Reasons Why Drinking a Glass of Red Wine is Healthy

We tend to think that alcoholic drinks are harmful to our health. And we are absolutely right – if consumed in massive amounts strong beverages can ruin your body. Daily consumption of brandy or beer is not the best thing you can do to live a longer life.

9. Reduces Risk of Cancer
Multiple cancers can be prevented by up to 45% by moderate red wine consumption. Those include colon cancers as well. Men are recommended to drink a glass of red wine daily because it can decrease the risk for prostate cancer by 50% and esophageal cancer also known as Barrett’s Esophagus by 56%.

10. Contribution to a Healthy Mind
If consumed in moderation, red wine can greatly contribute to a healthier mind. This is especially important for the elderly. Polyphenols are micronutrients that prevent degenerative diseases and improve mental capability by increasing the flows of oxygen and blood to the cerebrum. Studies prove that brain function stays active for longer in moderate drinkers. Moreover, red wine reduces the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease included. Moderation is the key, though.

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