5 Ways To Party Without Gaining Pounds

The party season is approaching and soon we’ll find ourselves celebrating the winter holidays. The bad thing is that after the party season your scale might show you that you have gained a few extra pound.

3. Regular activity
You are lucky if your job involves some physical activity. However, if the largest part of your day is spent at a desk, then you should see if there is something you can do to decrease the amount of hours spent without exercise. Use stairs instead of a lift, stand while speaking on the phone or your colleagues. If your office is not too far from your home, take a bike or simply walk to your office. If you are strongly determined, then you might even want to join the local gym which is great if you want quick results.

4. Controlling your appetite
If you feel hungry more often than you think you should, you probably consume too many carbs. They contain the same amount of calories as protein does, however, carbohydrates do not satisfy your hunger. On the contrary, having the highest glycemic index, they make you feel even hungrier after a short period of time. What can solve the problem is if you consume more protein and limit the amount carbs. Remember that you are advised to eat even healthy whole grain foods in the morning and avoid them late at night.

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