6 Things That Cause Gum Bleeding

Your gums may start bleeding if you accidentally scratch them with coarse foods like crackers, candies and nuts.

5. Your diet lacks nutrients
People who consume a nutritionally poor diet are often diagnosed with gingivitis. Make sure that you eat the recommended daily servings of fruit. You need plenty of vegetables and grains. Milk products play an important role. So does protein. If you restrict yourself trying to lose weight, then it is very probable that your gums are weak and bleeding. Change your eating habits and improve your current menu. Include products that can keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy.

6 Things That Cause Gum Bleeding Your diet lacks nutrients

6. You need to improve you oral hygiene
Take better care of your oral hygiene. Your habits are important. Do not brush too hard and use a softer toothbrush. Remember to clean in-between your teeth using a dental floss. Regular routine is a must. If you tend to forget to clean your tongue, it means you do not remove all bacteria that accumulate in your mouth. Brush your tongue, teeth and gums in gentle circular motions at least twice a day.

6 Things That Cause Gum Bleeding You need to improve you oral hygiene

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