6 Tips Every Lazy Dieter Should Follow

We have always been told that the only way to lose weight is to count calories, track your diet and do sports. Exercise and healthy food is what we need to stay slim and trim. But did you know that there are a couple of other tips that may help you lose pounds?

5. Eat from smaller plates
The bigger the plate the more food you are likely to pile on it. Reach out for a small plate – this will help you control your portions. Use a bread or salad plate instead of your usual dinner plate. Never be in a hurry while having your meal. Eat slowly and enjoy every bite. This is how you will allow your stomach to inform your brain that you are already full. As a rule, it takes the brain around 20 minutes to receive the signal sent by the stomach and understand that you are ready to set your fork down.

6. A glass of water before a meal
Drinking a glass of plain water before a meal. Water is a great alternative to a soup or salad eaten before the main meal. It is said that a glass of ice cold water reduces appetite, hydrates your body and effectively cleans your body from toxins.

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