8 Necessary Foods For People Suffering from Diabetes

Diabetics must pay attention to their food, its nutritional properties. They must not ignore the content of sugar, calories, protein and fat in their menu. If you suffer from diabetes, our list will help you become healthier.

7. Berries
Diabetics used to be advised to avoid all sugary foods, berries included. However, modern studies have proved that berries should not be in the list of forbidden foods. Berries contain natural sugar, named fructose, which doesn’t increase insulin. Berries are not only delicious; they are also healthy thanks to antioxidants. Make a smoothie with berries or add some currants, strawberries and raspberries to your morning oatmeal or salads.

8. Avocado
Avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. And this amazing fruit is high in monounsaturated fat that is healthy and good for your body. Avocado helps manage bloods sugar level. It also increases good cholesterol. Simply replace margarine and butter with a slice of avocado next time you decide to make a sandwich.

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