6 Disturbing Truths Food Industry Is Hiding from Consumers

Some of the facts you are about to find out may sound shocking and disturbing. However, if you do not know the truth, you won’t be able to avoid the dangers that food industry causes to your health.

5. Fake Lobster in Fast Food Joints

How real is your Lobster Mac’n’Cheese? There you can easily find fake lobster. The price you pay for the food is way too high. Lots of restaurants and fast food joints use cheap fish substitutes to prepare meals. More than one third of American restaurants do this without informing their customers that what they call “lobster” is not the real lobster meat. The most common substitutes are langostino, haddock or whiting. These species are cheap hence widely used.

6 Disturbing Truths Food Industry Is Hiding from Consumers Fake Lobster in Fast Food Joints

6. Not All Multigrain Products Are Whole-Grain 

You should bear in mind that the term ‘multigrain’ does not always equal to ‘healthy’. Never confuse this word with another term – ‘whole grain’. If you keep track of your diet and wish to make your menu healthier, you need whole-grain products. Products that contain whole grains are full of fiber and various nutrients while refined foods that are labeled ‘multigrain’ and are not as beneficial. Whole-grain crackers, breads and pastas are lowers in calories. Their glycemic index is lower and they have much more fiber.

6 Disturbing Truths Food Industry Is Hiding from Consumers Not All Multigrain Products Are Whole-Grain

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