6 Ways How Your Job Is Killing You Step By Step

Paul Mayne

It doesn’t matter if your life is just work or your work is all your life, remember about some terrible by-effects.

5. It’s increasing your stress.
In accordance with the results of a nationwide poll, organized by the Psychological Association in the USA (APA), three-quarters of American people call work as a principal cause of stress. The professors of the American Psychological Association mentioned that a lot of people feeling stress experience at the same time symptoms from their bodies, for instance, tiredness, headache, nausea, negative emotions like anger. More than half of the respondents answered that the stress reduces their productivity at work.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conclude that the risk for injury and diseases is directly proportional to the work stress.  The Institute of Stress in America has more earth-shattering statistic facts about stress at work here.

6. It’s spoiling your relations.
The APA noticed that 61 percent of women said that their stressful jobs influenced negatively on their relations outside of the place of work. As for the men, the percent is even higher: 79%.

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