7 Remedies That Cannot Make Your Hangover Disappear

We cannot blame you for believing in the following seven myths. Most of us tend to trust other people’s opinion even when they are wrong.

Breakfast rich in fats
A fatty breakfast is not the best remedy either. You hangover should be treated in a wiser way. Eat a bowl of oatmeal. Do not add any sugar or butter. Let your body have a rest after the party and help it detoxify. Drink a cup of green tea or fresh juice. Fresh vegetable smoothies are wonderful too – they will hydrate you and wash the toxins out. Your stomach should not work too hard since your whole body is now too tired and exhausted and cannot digest fats.

7 Remedies That Cannot Make Your Hangover Disappear Breakfast rich in fats

Another shot
The hair of the dog is what we call this type of remedy. People have been using it for ages and there are lots of those who strongly believe this is the only way to fight a hangover. Actually, alcohol consumed in the morning is as harmful as alcohol consumed at night or any other time of day. Forget vodka and make a cup of herbal tea instead. Your intake of vitamin C on that day should also be increased.

7 Remedies That Cannot Make Your Hangover Disappear Another shot

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