Every Wildflower Has a Story to Tell

The mythology of wildflowers growing and blooming in Britain is unique. We enjoy their beauty every spring, but how much do we know about them?

3. Daisy

Daisies know who loves you and who loves you not. You remember plucking the petals, don’t you? One Celtic legend tells us that the daisy’s petals are the spirits of stillborn children. In England they believe that summer arrives only if you manage to set your foot upon twelve of these pretty flowers.

Every Wildflower Has a Story to Tell Daisy

4. Snowdrop

There is a German legend that tells how snowdrops were created. In the very beginning the snow was transparent. That made the snow feel unhappy and God allowed various flowers to share their colors with the snow. None of the flowers obeyed. The only flower who agreed to do this was a snowdrop. The snow decided to thank the flower. Since then snowdrops are the first flowers to appear out of the soil each spring.

Every Wildflower Has a Story to Tell Snowdrop

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