What Is It About Selfies That Pisses Me Off?

No doubt soon the word “selfie” will be included in every dictionary, although a few years ago none of us would even know what a selfie might be. What is it about selfies that annoys some people?

Researcher Elizabeth Daniels concluded that the reason why girls display their semi-nude pictures is that they do not feel strong enough to resist all the pressure coming from the society. Nowadays to look sexy is more important than to have an interesting personality. We are judged by our “covers” and there are not too many of those willing to look inside our minds and souls to see who and what we really are.

Selfies (as well as any other online pictures) are viewed by men and women alike. Life coach Kelly Rudolph who teaches women to look at themselves from a different angle, states that although males find young girls’ revealing pictures sexually inviting, they can make peers experience insecurity, disconnection, or threat. “Such pictures are interpreted as “competitive” by other less confident women,” says the expert. On the other hand, more secure personalities feel disconnected from the sexy girls they view in the picture. They find such girls to be too insecure to become their friends. Trying so hard to make people like your appearance is rated as “shallow” and immature. Besides, mental abilities of girls in sexy clothing are also underestimated. Rudolph also pointed out that another recent study showed that women rate pictures of girls in red clothing as the most sexually aggressive.

The only thing we should hope and wish for is the selfie craze to go out of fashion in the nearest future. Sooner or later young girls will turn to grown-up ladies, learn to respect themselves and hopefully understand that their personalities are far more important. Being independent and professionally successful is more rewarding and challenging than counting the number of “likes” their latest selfies received.

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