6 Most Meaningful Questions to Ask on a First Date

Your first date is very important. Whether you click or not depends on many factors. One of them is the type of questions you ask. We do this to get to know the person and see how well we can get along.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Dating is different from a job interview. Interrogation won’t do any good. Do not start your conversation with this question since you might sound too official then. Keep this question in mind though. Ask it when you see the person is ready to discuss it.

6 Most Meaningful Questions to Ask on a First Date Where do you see yourself in 5 years

6. What makes you happy?

Let your partner open up and tell you more about his feelings and emotions. The things that keep them moving might be very important. Who knows, maybe you will see that you have lots in common. Find out what happiness is in his opinion.

6 Most Meaningful Questions to Ask on a First Date What makes you happy

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