If you are now after a recent break-up and looking for ways that would help you have a neutral relationship with your ex, there are some certain steps to follow. No need to stay enemies, especially if you have a child by your ex-partner.
No doubt, the wisest solution for both of you would be to have a neutral position towards each other. This is how it can be achieved:
1. Learn to say good-bye
No matter how many years you have dedicated to him, if the time to finally part has come, be strong enough and make the final break. It is unfair towards both of you to make the break-up process painful. Neither of you will be able to continue living their own life, if you do not understand how important it is to be totally clear and definite about your relationship.
2. Stay official yet polite
Just try and think of how you behave at work. You probably meet a lot of various people and you might even find some of them quite unpleasant and annoying. What do you usually do in such a case? Right. You stay businesslike. This is what you can practice while dealing with your ex. Let your conversations be straight to the point.