7 Strangest Things Men Find Appealing in a Woman

We all know the things women do or have that can seem appealing to men. Yet only a few know that some things are weird yet they attract men. The list below might look surprising to you. It was made up after numerous interviews and surveys.

3. Her towel head
One of the weirdest things that most males find very attractive in his girlfriend is when she washes her hair. They do love long hair of course, but what turns them on is when the hair is wet and wrapped in a towel. Who could even know that your towel head can look sexy to your sweetheart!

4. Watching her dolling up
Have you ever applied makeup in presence of your boyfriend? It is very possible that he was amazed by how skillfully you do this. Men know that there are many various techniques of applying makeup products. So, girls, feel free to doll up in front of your beloved.

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