7 Strangest Things Men Find Appealing in a Woman

We all know the things women do or have that can seem appealing to men. Yet only a few know that some things are weird yet they attract men. The list below might look surprising to you. It was made up after numerous interviews and surveys.

5. When a woman works out
Most men like to watch a woman work out. That exhausted look and the sweaty feeling work like a magnet. Whether you like it or not, men will still find it quite sexy. Let your partner watch you exercise. Or, which is even better, do your workout routine together.

6. Camo
Start wearing camo – this type of clothing is found sexy by many men. They associate it with wild nature, hunting and exotic lands. Despite the fact that camo is a sexy wear, it cannot beat skirts and dresses. Be feminine and wear classic blouses, high heel shoes and accessories as well.

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