9 Most Common Symptoms of Pregnancy

It takes mere days to feel that your body has changed. If you are not yet sure whether you are pregnant, look through the list of the most common symptoms.

It takes mere days to feel that your body has changed. If you are not yet sure whether you are pregnant, look through the list of the most common symptoms.

1. Sore Breasts

One of the first signs that can tell you that you are expecting a baby is soreness in your breasts. In some instances you might see that they feel heavy. They might also become more sensitive. The areolas change their usual color to darker and veins seem more pronounced. Put on a comfortable bra with supportive properties if you need more comfort.

2. Spotting

If you have your periods and you notice that they are way too light, it is probably because you are pregnant. If so, it is very possible that your periods are a few days earlier than normal. Doctors call this type of symptom “implantation bleeding”. The bleeding can be caused by the fertilized egg which reaches and attaches to the uterine wall. 

9 Most Common Symptoms of Pregnancy Spotting