5 Bad Habits Some Still Practice While Preparing Meals

Even if you trust your mother, do not make the same mistakes in the kitchen. Some habits are bad and you should avoid repeating them when preparing meals.

Even if you trust your mother, do not make the same mistakes in the kitchen. Some habits are bad and you should avoid repeating them when preparing meals.

Adding Margarine to Every Dish
The Great Depression was the main reason why people used margarine. That was a way to replace products that cost more with something more affordable. Butter is and has always been one of the most essential foods for people. However, when you cannot spend as much money as you used to, then you start looking for various alternatives to survive and stay alive, support your family and feed children. Nowadays you can forget margarine and switch to natural and organic products.

Boiling Veggies to Mush
We love vegetables for their fiber, huge amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as other nutrients that make us fit and healthy. For a whole variety of different reasons some people may prefer cooking vegetables. Raw vegetables are not recommended when a person suffers from some certain health conditions. Others bake and boil vegetables simply because they enjoy the taste of cooked veggies. Nevertheless, some vegetables lose their good properties when you boil them. The high temperatures destroy some vitamins so boiling broccoli, for instance, is not a good idea if you want to gain all health benefits of this plant.

5 Bad Habits Some Still Practice While Preparing Meals Boiling Veggies to Mush