The Main 6 Culprits That Won’t Let You Focus

Increase your ability to focus on the most important aspects in your life. The quality of work that you do will also improve if you learn to concentrate. Do not let the following 6 things distract you:

Increase your ability to focus on the most important aspects in your life. The quality of work that you do will also improve if you learn to concentrate. Do not let the following 6 things distract you:

1. Social Media

Concentration killers surround us everywhere. Their number seems to be increasing. Social media is what you start your day with. You keep checking the latest news and replying to posts or messages throughout the day. You let social media distract you a few times an hour either at work or at home. After a few minutes spent online it is harder to get back to work. The quality of work suffers. Besides, you waste time trying to resume your task.

How to fix the issue: Quit logging in to various sites while at work. Do what you are supposed to do first. If you have to get online, do it either after you have accomplished the task or during a break. Another tip that can help you avoid logging in is by placing your device where there is no Internet connection.

2. Email Overload

Your inbox might contain a few unread messages. You might even feel like opening, reading and then replying to them. Don’t do it unless the messages are related to your work. If you tend to read and reply to your family and friends, the quality of assignment you are working on will suffer. 

How to fix the issue: Leave your email for later. Read messages during specific times only. Keep your email program shut down most of the time. If you stop checking your inbox, you’ll need less time to perform the project. 

The Main 6 Culprits That Wont Let You Focus Email Overload