3. Highlighting Skin
Vaseline can be used as a beauty product instead of expensive highlighters. Apply a very thin layer of vaseline on your cheekbones. It will give you a sheer, natural glow and radiance. You can also apply it on your eyelids to create the so-called ‘wet’ look. Do not use too much of the product to avoid unnaturally shiny and even greasy look.
4. Skin Softener
Vaseline has always been used as a skin softener. One of the most known recipes is to apply vaseline on dry skin before you go to bed, cover the area so that you wouldn’t accidentally wipe off the product in sleep and leave it for the night. What you will see in the morning is soft, healthy skin. Vaseline serves as a good hand skin protector in winter. Many professionals who frequently wash their hands, such as doctors and cooks, apply vaseline on hands throughout the day in order to improve dryness that is caused by soaps.