10 Things Men Find Unattractive

Women love gossip. They notice the smallest things that men do wrong and then discuss them with their girlfriends. What about men? Do they notice ladies’ mistakes?

7. Bad Breath and Yellowish Teeth
Yellowish teeth and bad breath will never attract the opposite sex. Think of the reason what causes the problem. Are you a smoker? Or is it just your poor hygiene? Maybe you drink too much coffee, black tea, or red wine? In either case, do your best to solve the problem as soon as possible. Use whitening toothpaste or strips to make your smile brighter and carry breath dragees in your handbag.

8. Wrong Lip Liner
If you have been invited on a date, probably you will also be taken to a cafe or a restaurant. Think ahead about how your lips will look after you have eaten your dinner. If you use lipstick and lip liner, then after eating food out of the two only lip liner will stay on your lips. You will probably agree that this won’t look attractive at all. It’s even worse if your lip liner is much darker than your lipstick or your natural lip color. Such a contrast is totally inacceptable. Let your lip products be as close to your natural lip shade as possible!