Most ladies are ready and willing to go through pain if it guarantees them beauty. Some of the methods that are mentioned below are often considered to be effective.
They are not quite safe though. Instead of looking and feeling like a princess all you might get after the procedure is sore skin, rash and irritations.
1. The method: Setting makeup with hairspray.
The result: You are mistaken if you think that hairspray will hold your makeup just the way it holds your hair. The structure of the hairspray molecules is too large for the skin and suitable only for hair. The skin might negatively react to it, though. Once you apply the hairspray on the face, it covers it up and clogs the pores. The chemicals that this sticky liquid consists of can cause allergy and rash.
2. The method: Milk of magnesia instead of a face primer.
The result: Doctors prescribe milk of magnesia in case of constipation or heartburn. But it is not meant to be used as a primer, although its chalky texture might look and feel just fine for this purpose. The mattifying effect can later on cause rather severe skin breakouts. The reason is its alkaline pH level. What is considered normal for our skin is a pH level of 4.2-4.6, while milk of magnesia has a pH level of 10-10.5. Human skin is acidic and neutralizing the level of the skin acidity will cause bacteria grow and spread more actively and faster which, in turn, will inevitably lead to breakouts.