Have a look at a lady’s handbag and you are sure to find there almost anything you might think of. We manage to carry around our entire lives even if our purses are relatively small.
Lucky are those who can do without dozens items in their bag, however, most women think they need to have dental floss, scissors, hand lotion and hundreds of other things in their handbag! What you REALLY need to have in your purse is:
1. A makeup bag
Save your time and do makeup on the go. Put your makeup bag with the products you cannot do without. Keep your favorites on hand. Be careful while carrying around powder or foundation – if you break them, the products will ruin the rest of the items in your purse. However, a small tube of lip gloss and mascara will be of use to you throughout the day.
2. A notebook / sketchbook
If you’re a creative person and ideas are constantly coming on your mind, have a notebook or a sketchbook so that you would write down or draw the most important ideas. You can use your phone or any other electronic device, but don’t you think that a notebook is far more special and personal? Put a small notebook in your purse and use it whenever you feel mentally inspired and emotionally elevated.