6 Useful Tips to Prevent Your Skin from Premature Aging

We are happy to announce that plastic surgery is not the only way that may help you look youthful for longer. It is reported that in 2008 there were around 30,000 more surgical cosmetic procedures than the year after.

3. Get rid of cigarettes
The more you smoke the worse you look and feel. Smoking promotes aging and wrinkles. Cigarettes are one of the sources of free radical. Quit smoking and you will significantly improve your skin.

4. Avoid harsh dieting
Extreme weight loss is never a good thing. Do not try to lose weight too fast – you should aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Drink plenty of liquids and do not starve yourself. Your skin needs vitamins, minerals and all sorts of nutrients that make it glowing, clean, radiant and smooth. Another negative effect of crash diets is that when you lose a lot of weight within a short period of time, your skin sags. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, avid simple carbs and include more proteins. The best source of healthy protein is chicken and turkey. Eat salmon and other oily kinds of fish – you need good fats! If you are a vegetarian, replace fish and meat with peas, beans, soya, nuts and seeds.

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