4 Evening Habits That Reduce Your Metabolism

In the evening we relax. Depending on the events, you may feel either good or bad. Stress and tension should be reduced. However, some people do it in the wrong way – they eat junk food and drink alcohol or spend hours in front of the TV or computer.

3. We need eight hours of sleep to help our body restore at night. If your last meal is at 6 p.m. and you go to bed at 11 p.m., it means you stay without food for over 12 hours. Your body goes to starvation mode and all of your processes slow down, including metabolism. Have a proper meal in the evening. Make the right choice and eat vegetables and protein. Avoid fatty and sugary foods. Salty snacks should also be avoided.

4 Evening Habits That Reduce Your Metabolism We need eight hours of sleep to help our body restore at night

4. People who go to bed very late cannot boast fast metabolism. A lack of rest and sleep leads to health issues and chronic tiredness. Exhausted people feel depressed and eat the wrong foods to restore. The levels of cortisol increase which leads to obesity. Go to bed before midnight and sleep for approximately 8 hours.

4 Evening Habits That Reduce Your Metabolism People who go to bed very late cannot boast fast metabolism

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