5 Commonly Occurring Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

One of the most rarely observed gynecological cancers is ovarian cancer. It is the most dangerous types of cancers and lucky are those who survive it. It’s great if your doctor can detect the problem in its early stage. If it is done, your chances to stay alive are greater.

One of the most rarely observed gynecological cancers is ovarian cancer. It is the most dangerous types of cancers and lucky are those who survive it. It’s great if your doctor can detect the problem in its early stage. If it is done, your chances to stay alive are greater.

1. Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite

Most women who have ovarian cancer can start losing weight without any clear reason. The person then loses appetite, too. As we know the ovaries are located close to the intestines. When the tumor begins to develop, it may press the stomach and inner organs. It gives a feeling of fullness and bloating. Your appetite and metabolism depend on the amount of hormones that the tumor produces. In a relatively short time the patient notices some great changes – the foods the person loved most do not taste as delicious. If you have experienced a 10% weight loss in a short period of time, it might mean that you need to consult your doctor and take some certain tests.

2. Fatigue

Cancer might be one of the main reasons why you feel exhausted. Fatigue should never be ignored. Fatigue is different from normal tiredness. We do get sleepy and weak sometimes. This happens after a hard day at work, for example. Fatigue, on the other hand, makes you feel weak even after a night’s sleep. It weighs on your mind and body and you can hardly accomplish simple tasks. In this case sleep won’t help to resolve the issue. People who have ovarian cancer do not feel hungry – they lose appetite, eat less and do not provide their bodies with nutrients. This also influences your overall condition. The tumor steals the energy and won’t let it be delivered to your healthy cells.

5 Commonly Occurring Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Fatigue