5 Healthy Properties of Beer You Need to Be Aware Of

From now on you do not need to feel guilty just because you love beer. On the contrary, the benefits of drinking beer are obvious. The secret is in how much beer you consume.

From now on you do not need to feel guilty just because you love beer. On the contrary, the benefits of drinking beer are obvious. The secret is in how much beer you consume.

It’s surprising how good this beverage is when consumed in moderation.

1. Beer reduces risk of heart disease

You can easily reduce the risk of heart disease by 30% or more if you are one of the individuals who drink a pint of beer per day. This was revealed by Italian researchers from Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura who observed 200,000 subjects who took part in the studies. The result is totally opposite if you drink too much beer. In this case you increase the risk of heart disease. Be careful with your portions.

2. Beer lowers risk of diabetes

Another wonderful benefit of moderate drinking is that one or two beers consumed per day can help you reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 25 per cent. This was established in 2011, when scientists carried out research that involved almost 40,000 middle-aged males. Beer prevents diabetes due to the alcohol content which increases insulin sensitivity. Also, beer is rich in soluble fiber that is so needed if the individual suffers from diabetes.

5 Healthy Properties of Beer You Need to Be Aware Of Beer lowers risk of diabetes