3. Low-calorie breakfast
Those who think that skipping breakfast can help them lose weight are absolutely mistaken! This kind of approach will only ruin your health. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How healthy your breakfast is depends on your skills – make it perfect then! Let it be a green smoothie, low in calories and rich in nutrients. If you drink smoothies you will never gain weight. Extra pounds usually pile up only if you opt for cornflakes full of simple sugars and artificial flavors. Vegetable smoothies contain a ridiculous amount of calories so you should not even count them. Drink plenty of vegetable smoothies. Fruit smoothies contain more sugar, however, this sugar is natural, not refined and not as harmful as that found in snacks and candy bars. Bananas are relatively sweeter and higher in calories than other fruits. If you feel like excluding them, it’s ok – add other fruits instead.
4. Antioxidant boost
Vegetables and fruits help fight cancer and inflammations thanks to the numerous antioxidants. Antioxidants help you stay healthy and younger for longer. Add tomatoes, carrots and peppers and turn your smoothie into a miracle beauty product. They will make your skin radiant, your hair silky and shiny and your nails stronger. You will feel more energetic and vibrant right from the very morning! Coffee does have a wake-promoting effect; however, it does not make you any healthier or beautiful. Drink green smoothies instead of caffeinated beverages.