5 Alarming Symptoms Your Body Needs Help

Did you know that the largest inner organ in the human body is the liver? The liver is a fantastically strong organ.

3. Loss of Appetite

Live problems lead to weight loss. It also causes loss of appetite. If you notice some sort of flu-like symptoms, it might mean that your liver is suffering from hepatitis. The longer you wait, the more damaged your liver become. You will start feeling pain, nausea and changes in your looks.

5 Symptoms of a Damaged Liver Loss of Appetite

4. Jaundice

If your liver is weak, its functions decrease. It means that your blood might be full of toxins. If there is too much bilirubin in the bloodstream, a patient’s skin turns yellow. Also, urine will change its normal color to dark brown.

5 Symptoms of a Damaged Liver Jaundice

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