Do you feel better after drinking a glass of water?
Try and take the edge off by drinking a glass of water first. Hold on a bit and see how you feel. We often mistake these two and believe that we need food when we are actually thirsty. Learn the difference and you will solve a lot of problems. Not only will you hydrate your body, you will also see that downing calories is not the only way to fight the sensation.
Does watching TV seem impossible without food?
Quit associating TV with snacking. It’s a very bad habit that you need to get rid of. Binging while watching a movie is the worst thing you can do to your body. You consume way too many calories since the TV set distracts you and won’t let you focus on your meal and the quality of food. It is difficult to control the amounts either. Watch your favorite TV shows without any snacks. Have a cup of tea or chew some gum instead.