3. Taco John’s Beans
It is relatively safe to order your beans during peak hours. There is a reason why you should refrain from buying this snack during less busy hours. The problem is that beans sit at a hot table and may dry out too quickly. The staff will add water and reheat the food to make your beans tasty again. We do not think that watered down beans taste delicious. Do you want to make sure they taste disgusting? Then visit Taco John’s.
4. Beans and Steak from Taco Bell
What looks like cat food apart from cat food? Right, that’s Taco Bell beans. It sounds weird but Taco Bell beans come with the instructions teaching you to prepare the stuff. Add water and stir. When you do not see white anymore, the snack is ready to be consumed. Actually, the dried out steak will be hard to remove from utensils it came in contact with.