6 Tips Every Lazy Dieter Should Follow

We have always been told that the only way to lose weight is to count calories, track your diet and do sports. Exercise and healthy food is what we need to stay slim and trim. But did you know that there are a couple of other tips that may help you lose pounds?

3. Never skip breakfast
Breakfast is also called the most important meal of the day. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Those who skip their breakfast tend to overeat later in the day. People who eat breakfast weigh less. Besides, they usually lose weight faster than those who ignore their morning meal. Make your first meal of the day healthy and delicious. Prepare a smoothie, add some chia seeds, oat bran and plenty of fruit. You can also eat some protein, such as eggs or yogurt.

4. Include a soup or a salad
Soups as well as all sorts of salads are low in calories yet they make you feel full quicker. Besides being satisfying, vegetable soups and salads contain a lot of fiber. Fibrous products fill you up and you do not feel hungry for longer. Eat a bowl of soup or a plate of salads before you order your next meal. The only type of soups you should avoid would be creamy soups that contain starchy vegetables, such as potatoes.

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