6 Wonderful Exercises To Start Your Day With

Here is a list of sic simple exercises that you can easily do every morning in order to feel better all day long. Workouts charge you with additional energy and improve your mood.

3. Jumping Jacks
If you want to have stronger legs and beautifully shaped calves, then you should practice jumping jacks. A lot of famous people, such as Michelle Obama, love this exercise and recommend it for you.
Your starting position is with your feet together. Jump and spread your legs and arms at the same time. Return to the starting position and repeat. Beginners can start with 1 minute while more advanced can increase this time.

4. Leg Squats
Your hips and knees need special care and attention as well. Here is one good exercise for these body parts. Stand straight, spread your legs a bit wider than your hips. Stretch your arms forward. Then imagine that there is a chair behind you that you are trying to sit on. Your knees at their lowest should make a 90 degree angle. Return to the starting position. Practice it every day. Two sets each consisting of 15 squats will be enough for beginners. The exercise looks simple yet involves a whole range of muscles: calves, hamstrings and quadriceps.

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