7 Foods You Consume Without Knowing How Poisonous They Are

We get used to some certain foods and keep eating them for months and even years. Some foods you might have in your fridge and pantry may be too poisonous.

3. Mushrooms

The thing that makes us worry is poisonous counterparts of the species. Luckily, there are edible varieties, too. Mushrooms are full of flavor and taste. Some of the most popular types are button mushrooms, shiitake, Portobello and a few others. However, one should always remember that there are poisonous varieties of mushrooms as well. Pay attention to the species you choose for your meals and if you are not sure, just refrain from eating the food. Learn the difference between mushrooms that can be consumed and those that are dangerous. Some of them might look attractive, colorful and bright, but they have threatening names, such as Amanita phalloides (’death cap’) or Amanita ocreata (‘angel of death’).

7 Foods You Consume Without Knowing How Poisonous They Are Mushrooms

4. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans should always be well cooked before they are consumed. Feel free to make and eat your favorite chili, but learn to prepare the beans before you add them to the dish. The kidney bean contains phytohaemagglutinin, a toxin. It is also known as bean lectin. The substance causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and even death if the person is not treated in time. If the beans are cooked the right way, they are no longer poisonous since heat neutralizes the toxins. As a rule, you should boil your kidney beans at least for half an hour to make the beans edible and safe. If you do not want to risk, then buy and eat canned beans – they are absolutely safe and ready to be consumed. Dried kidney beans should be soaked and then slowly cooked over moderate heat. We suggest you should read the instructions carefully before you use this legume.

7 Foods You Consume Without Knowing How Poisonous They Are Kidney Beans

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