7 Healthy Food Combinations

We hardly enjoy mono diets, that is, when you eat one product only. This kind of menu would look too boring and dull. That’s why we usually mix a few products at a time to make the dish more delicious. What is your favorite?

Tomatoes/olive oil
HDL is also called good cholesterol while LDL is bad. Use olive oil instead of other fats to lower the level of bad cholesterol. It will make your arteries healthier and stronger. Oil on its own is quite good, but in combination with tomatoes it turns into a miracle. No other fat is as good as that contained in olive oil, especially if you consume it with tomatoes. This wonderful vegetable has lycopene, an antioxidant that increases its activity if mixed with olive oil. Tomatoes and olive oil make a great vegetable salad. Simply add some spices and other vegetable to make it more nutritious and colorful.

Salmon/collard greens
Calcium is needed to have strong bones. If you consume enough vitamin D, then you do the right thing! This vitamin helps our bodies to absorb calcium from foods. Tanning long hours is never healthy, but do not avoid the sun, because when you expose yourself to sunrays, your organism starts producing vitamin D. If you live in a cold country, eat foods that are rich in this vitamin, such as salmon. Grill the fish or bake it first. And don’t forget to add collard greens.

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