7. Watermelon
One of the world’s healthiest food is watermelon, but few people know about that. This fruit has a wide range of antioxidants to keep you young. Watermelons are the best source of citrulline. This nutrient has detoxifying effect and helps to maintain a good immune system. If your metabolism is slow, eat watermelons and your body will burn calories more efficiently. More than that, this delicious fruit has a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B, and C. Since watermelons mainly consist of water, they moisturize skin and body. Use watermelon seeds as well – grind them and then add to smoothies or salads. Watermelon seeds are a useful source of Vitamin E and zinc.
7 Rejuvenating Super Foods
Did you even know that there are plenty of foods that can instantly make you look and feel younger?