7 Wonderful Products to Manage Arthritis

You need an individual diet to stay healthy. There are no diets that are equally effective for absolutely all people. We have different health conditions so the food we eat should also differ.

5. Oats
CRP or, in order words, C-reactive protein should be reduced. And you can easily do the trick by including oats and other basic grains in your menu. Oats have nutrients that decrease inflammation. Patients who are diagnosed with arthritis tend to have an increased level of CRP so oats are necessary for them.

7 Wonderful Products to Manage Arthritis Oats

6. Fatty Fish
Fatty acids that oily fish contains can protect your body tissues. Omega 3 helps you build them too. More than that, this component is necessary for joints. Eat fatty fish to reduce all sorts of inflammations. The best species are mackerel, salmon, anchovies and sardines.

7 Wonderful Products to Manage Arthritis Fatty Fish

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