8 Cancerogenous Foods You Should Avoid

Perhaps you think the food listed below aren’t dangerous. Recently some types of cancer have been diagnosed in almost 1.5 million people. So isn’t it time we all considered what we eat every day?

4. Excessively salty, pickled or smoked foods

Smoking, pickling, and salting are known methods of processing food. They are appreciated primarily for the ability to substantially extend the shelf life of products. However, lovers of smoked, salted, and pickled products should be on their guard and think about reducing their quantity. During smoking, for example, the smoke with which the product is processed contains carcinogens and combustion products that can accelerate the appearance of cancer cells. In addition, a new chemical “liquid smoke” technology is now in use.

Nitrates preserve meat and add color to it. It is believed that nitrates do not cause cancer. However, there are some conditions because they can turn into N-nitroso composites inside our bodies. N-nitroso increases the risk of various cancers. So, if you like salty and pickled foods, eat them less frequently.

Excessive amounts of salt in pickled and salted foods should also be on guard. The high salt content might cause a bad reaction in the body. If you are a fan of these products, you should at least reduce the amount of their use.