8 Fabulous Foods To Improve Your Skin

You might be surprised to find out how many delicious products there are that can also be used to improve your skin. Healthy skin helps you look younger and much fresher despite your real age.

3. Chocolate
There is a myth to dispel! Some believe that chocolate causes acne. That’s not true. You can eat dark chocolate. The point is to consume it in moderation. The best thing about chocolate is that it boosts flavonol intake to perfect skin. If you are trying to lose some weight, make sure you do not overeat it, since chocolate contains a lot of calories.

4. Tomatoes
Take some time and do your own research to find out how beneficial tomatoes are for your skin beauty! Some people claim that tomatoes cause acne. What personally I believe is that due to antioxidants, such as lycopene, tomatoes, on the contrary, help your skin look better and improve skin tone. This fruit can be eaten raw, consumed as a snack or be added to salads. Pizza sauce and marinara can also be included in your menu because in cooked tomatoes the level of lycopene is even higher.

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