8 Foods That Can Cheer You Up

How you feel depends on what you eat and drink. The products that you consume influence your mood. Improve your emotional state by adding a few foods to your current menu. Your brain will love the change!

3. Mussels

This species of fish is not included in the list of sea foods you should never eat. Mussels are rich in vitamin B12. This vitamin protects the brain and improves your emotional condition and mood. It is known that the majority of people suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. Individuals that do not provide their bodies with sufficient amount of the vitamin claim that their memory and mind are not sharp enough. Luckily, you can feed your brain cells and preserve their health by consuming the mollusk.


4. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is richer in calcium than any other dairy pick like regular yogurt or milk. Greek yogurt balances out the levels of calcium in your body and stimulates the brain to release some certain neurotransmitters that you need in order to feel good and happy. If calcium levels are disturbed, an individual can feel irritable, depressed, stressed and anxious. The probiotics found in Greek yogurt improve digestion too.

8 Foods That Can Cheer You Up Greek Yogurt

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