7. Cherry Tomatoes
All species of the plant that we see at stores are a wonderful source of phytonutrient soluble in fat. It is called lycopene. This nutrient prevents the accumulation of pro-inflammatory elements that are linked to depression. Lycopene is found in tomato skins, which means that the easiest way to get this nutrient is by eating cherry tomatoes. If you consume a full-size tomato, the proportion of the flash will be significantly larger than that of skin. To help your body absorb lycopene, you should eat the vegetable with olive oil. Organic cherry tomatoes are recommended – the level of lycopene in them is higher.
8. Pastured Eggs
Eggs are also called the perfect food. The omega-3 fatty acids that eggs are packed with promote good mood. The food contains vitamins B, iodide, zinc and lots of protein to keep you active throughout the day. Eggs are affordable and you can find them at any grocery store. There is still one problem. Most of the eggs you see on the shelves are laid by hens whose living conditions are not regulated. Do not believe what is written on egg carton – manufacturers indicate nutritional data there, but they never inform buyers how hens were raised or fed. Notices like ‘free-range’ are also unreliable. Purchase pastured eggs. Find a trustworthy farmer who could provide you with high quality products.