9 Facts About Lemon Water You Should Know

There is nothing as important as water. This is what we are mainly made of! And water is the next thing after air that keeps us alive. It is essential to control the amount of water you consume daily.

7. Fresh Breath

Lemons are fragrant. Their aroma can be described as freshening and cooling. Why not use lemons and lemon water for fresh breath then? Chewing gums and drops, without any doubt, are effective. However, they contain chemicals, while fresh lemons or lemon water will never do harm to you. On the contrary, lemon water contributes a lot to our dental health – it combats toothache and bad breath. The only rule to follow is to refrain from brushing your teeth right after drinking lemon water since it can ruin tooth enamel.

8. It Can Help You Beat the Coffee Habit

If you feel like getting rid of your dependency on caffeine, try drinking lemon water instead of caffeinated beverages. Once you break the habit you will feel and look much better. Surprisingly enough, those who stop drinking coffee claim that the level of energy only increases. Kicking bad habits is never easy. However, it’s quite possible if you have a bottle of lemon water at hand.