9 Foods To Improve Your Vision

If you have lately started noticing that your eyesight is not as sharp as it used to be, we suggest that you should revise and improve your menu.

5. Ostrich
It’s quite unusual to see ostrich on your dinner table. Yet you should include this meat in your diet. Lean beef contains three times as much fat as ostrich. It can also be eaten instead of chicken, because ostrich is lower in cholesterol and richer in zinc that play an essential role in how healthy your eyes are.

6. Olive oil
Some vegetables, especially those containing vitamin A, should be consumed with olive oil because this is the only way for your body to absorb nutrients from other foods. Chop some carrots, cabbage, tomatoes. Then add some salt, spices, and drizzle some olive oil over your salad. You can also use olive oil while preparing meat or fish, just keep in mind that oil contains a lot of calories – moderation is of the key importance.

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