9 Foods To Improve Your Vision

If you have lately started noticing that your eyesight is not as sharp as it used to be, we suggest that you should revise and improve your menu.

7. Turkey
If eating ostrich sounds too unusual, then you can replace it with turkey. Turkey is a great alternative – rich in zinc and vitamin B. Besides, it is leaner than other meats and not too expensive. Turkey improves vision without damaging your figure.

8. Tomatoes
Just like any other vegetables and fruits tomatoes are rich in fiber. What makes tomatoes different from other foods is that they contain plenty of vitamin C, lycopene, and carotenoids.

9. Sweet potatoes
Last but not least, sweet potatoes. This food also provides eyes with valuable beta-carotene. Boiled potatoes are great. You can mash them and eat with other vegetables with olive oil added. Try and roast them. Be creative in the kitchen and invent your own dishes!

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