Dispelling The 9 Acne Myths

There is no one best way to treat all acne right now and right here. Many areas of medicine have been trying to figure out how to combat the problem yet researches haven’t invented a means that would work 100%.

3. Adults Do Not Get Acne
Half of men and one fourth of women suffer from acne for various reasons. More than that, in the recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of adults suffering from acne. This phenomenon might have been triggered by the quality of food, conservatives, chemical, and artificial flavors that our food contains. Adult acne is treated using the same methods that are used to treat younger sufferers.

4. Do Not Squeeze Pimples
Picking pimples is not the best thing to do yet there is no scientific proof that popping pimples is the reason why people cannot get rid of them. As we have mentioned above, food can also greatly influence the condition. On the other hand, pimples with whitish content can be safely eliminated. Next time you cannot resist the temptation to pop a pimple make sure that your fingers and the area around the pimple is clean. That’s the least you can do. Although it will be better if you ask a professional to help you with acne removal in order to avoid possible permanent scarring.

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