7. Drinking Water Clears Skin
Water is essential for health. It improves blood flow. When blood circulates it washes bacteria out of your body. You stay hydrated and feel better but water does not remove pimples.
8. Sunscreens Cause Acne
It all depends on the content of the product. Any overly oily substance applied on your skin can worsen your acne. Grease clogs pores and does not let your skin breathe. There are plenty of different brands and their ingredients vary. Some include titanium oxide and zinc oxide. Sunscreens that contain these elements are called physical sunscreens and they should be avoided by people suffering from acne. Chemical sunscreens are recommended.
9. Acne Is Just Cosmetic
To some people skin problems cause psychological discomfort, they feel depressed and less self-confident. Apart from the psychological and cosmetic aspects, acne that are cystic can lead to infections and permanent scars. It is advised that acne should be treated by dermatologists who have all necessary skills and qualifications allowing them to interfere in order to help you solve skin issues.